
Genda, latitude longitude
Decimal latitude and longitude coordinates for Genda, :
-6.49477, 26.70865

GPS Coordinates Genda,

Place: Genda
Country abbreviations: CD
Latitude: -6.49477
Longitude: 26.70865

Degrees, Minutes & Seconds Genda,

Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 6°29'41.17'' S
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 26°42'31.14'' E

Genda, Information

Where is Genda located on the map of the ? Genda is located in , and its exact geographical coordinates are latitude -6.49477 and longitude 26.70865.

Weather Information

Height above sea level for Genda

Genda, is located at an altitude of around 580 meters (1903 feet) above sea level.

Information Genda

City: Genda
Geographical Coordinates:
Latitude: -6.49477
Longitude: 26.70865

Weather Genda

cloudy Genda
weather Genda
weather long term Genda
temperature Genda
city map Genda
Genda maps
rainfall Genda
weather radar Genda