Changqing, , China

Current Weather Changqing, , China

Today is 2024-11-07
Current time is 02:53
Last updated 2024-11-07 02:45
10 °C
Humidity: 77 %
Wind: 3 km/h
Pressure: 1028 hPa
Cloudy: 1 %
Temperature: 10 °C

Weather Changqing China

Weather per hour: 18:00:00
Humidity: 86.8 %
Wind: 9 km/h
Pressure: 1029 hPa
Pressure: 30.39 inHg
Cloudy: 0 %
Temperature: 9 °C
Temperature: 48 °F
Visibility: 0.00 %
Felt temperature: 9 °C
Wind: 9 km/h
Wind: 6 mph
Wind degree: 77°
Precipitation: 0 mm
Precipitation: 0.00 in
Gusts of wind: 0 km/h
Latitude: 31.02817
Longitude: 118.39944

What is the current weather in Changqing?

Weather: Clear sky
Temperature: 10 °C
Humidity: 77 %
Wind: 3 km/h
Pressure: 1028 hPa

What is the weather forecast for tomorrow in Changqing?

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 17 °C
Humidity: 89 %
Wind: 1 km/h
Pressure: 1020 hPa ensures you're always well-informed about the weather in Changqing China. The site offers accessible widgets that provide not only the current weather conditions but also forecasts for today, the next 6 hours, and the upcoming week. These widgets present detailed information on various weather parameters, including the probability of precipitation, actual and feels-like temperatures, wind strength and direction, atmospheric pressure, and humidity levels. By simply clicking on any widget, you can access a detailed 14-day forecast for Changqing China , making it easier to plan efficiently based on weather expectations

Information Changqing

City: Changqing
Country: China
Geographical Coordinates:
Latitude: 31.02817
Longitude: 118.39944

Weather Changqing

cloudy Changqing
weather Changqing
weather long term Changqing
temperature Changqing
city map Changqing
Changqing maps
rainfall Changqing
weather radar Changqing